Frame Foto Editor Full

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Fiture Frame Foto Editor:
Frame your Photos
You can add cool frames to your photos very quickly and easily with Frame Photo Editor. The photo editing software provides a lot of frames for you to select.

Mask your photos
We provides a lot masks for your photo. Mask will edging your photo, or show part of your photo on the picture.

Add text, cartoon, clips on photos
You can add notes, flowers, or other image clips on your picture to decorate your photo.

Edit picture easily
Resize, rotate, adjust color and add text to your pictures. To edit photos with FramePhotoEditor, you can easily change the size and position of the photos, flowers, cartoon pictures or text just by clicking and dragging them. You can even rotate the mask or the photo just with your mouse moving.

Frame Foto Editor

Pasword Rar:  jojobonges



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