DeepFreeze 6 Full Version

DeepFreeze adalah Perangkat lunak (Software) untuk melindungi komputer (sistem) dari ancaman virus, Worm dll. Deep Freez ini mampu mengembalikan komputer seperti semua setelah direstart. Dengan kata lain Depfreeze membukukan Sistem Komputer kita. Software ini banyak sekali digunakan di warenet-warnet agar sistem komputer lebih awet dan tidak mudah rusak. Tapi tidak sepenuhnya aman walaupun sudah dipasang Deep Freeze, Selalu ada cara untuk Uninstal Deep Freeze  dan Menjebol Deep Freeze.

Fiture DeepFreez Standar 6.61:
  1. Absolute Protection
  2. Guarantees 100% workstation recovery on restart
  3. Provides password protection and complete security
  4. Protects multiple hard drives and partitions
  5. Integration and Compatibility
  6. Supports multiple hard drives and partitions
  7. Supports multi-boot environments
  8. Compatible with Fast User Switching
  9. Supports SCSI, ATA, SATA, and IDE hard drives
  10. Supports FAT, FAT32, NTFS, basic and dynamic disks
  11. Localized in five languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese
  12. Deployment Options
  13. Offers silent install option for rapid network deployment
  14. Provides option to deploy on multiple workstations as part of a master image
  15. DFC included in Workstation/Seed installations

Deep Freez Standar v.6 (32-Bit)

Deep Freez Standar v.6 (64-Bit)

    Pasword Rar : jojobonges



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